This website is a project of Southwest Virginia
CSI, an interdisiciplinary, student-led citizen
science initiative at the University of Virginia's
College at Wise. Southwest Virginia CSI was
born out of a Dominion Higher Education
Partnership Award in 2012, aimed at developing
a series of digital guides that use local habitats
and wildlife to introduce broader scientific
concepts to users. Since its inception, this
initiative has grown into a regional effort to
link the often-separate fields of biodiversity
conservation and economic development.
This project, Evolving Appalachia, is the result of an expanded effort to more directly link outdoor recreation with biodiversity education along the Clinch River, one of the most biodiverse river systems in all of North America. Funded by the Appalachian Prosperity Project, this effort links our previous digital trail guides with paddling applications that bring topics in evolutionary biology and ecology together with traditional Appalachian music and storytelling. These guides, along with all other original educational info on this website, have been entirely student-produced, and it is our hope that the content presented here opens the doors to outdoor recreation and the natural sciences for residents and visitors in our region alike. Enjoy, and get outside!
Have comments or feedback on this project? Email us at southwestvirginiacsi@gmail.com